Centre of Excellence for Evidence Based Research

World NCD Federation  


Centre of Excellence for Evidence-Based Research for NCDs in LMICs

World NCD Federation is inviting proposals for conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses.


  1. To generate high quality evidence through systematic reviews and meta-analyses in major NCDs including cancer, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, COPD, diabetes, mental health for informed decision making for policy, NCD programmes and clinical practice.
  2. To promote knowledge translation through high quality publications in peer-reviewed international journals and preparing high quality briefs for NCD programmes, clinical practice and professional associations.

Expected Outcome:

  1. 3-5 Systematic reviews and meta-analyses in major NCDs including cancer, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, COPD, diabetes, and mental health for informed decision making for policy, NCD programmes and clinical practice per year.
  2. Publications in peer reviewed international journals and Briefs for NCD programmes, clinical practice and professional associations.


  • Health Promotion
  • Screening
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Palliative care aspects of NCD in LMICs


Other Guidelines

  • Topics: Systematic reviews & meta-analyses will cover population & individual interventions in NCDs namely CVD, diabetes, cancer, COPD, stroke, mental health, alternative medicine.
  • Send us your concept notes of topic of interest with Rationale, Research question, Objectives, Methods and Outcomes based on the themes. Budget and Timeline should also be mentioned
  • Last date of proposal submission extended till 31st March, 2021
  • Mail it to coe.wnf@gmail.com and worldncdfederation@gmail.com


Benefits under Centre of Excellence

  • The selected proposal will get technical support along with a seed money (decided by the International Advisory Board) to conduct the review.
  • The article may be considered for publication in International Journal of NCDs after peer-review.
  • A certificate of appreciation will be provided by the Centre of Excellence for Evidence-Based Research in NCDs
  • The candidate will be offered lifetime membership of World NCD Federation at discounted rates.